So you think you are done with your garden and you aren't going to worry about it until next year?! Did you read my fall chore review?! I hope you did your winter mulching, dug up and separated some of those bulbs, got row covers out on any veggies you are trying to finish up (cabbage, carrots, lettuce...ect.).
Do you know NOW is when you should be signing up for those catalogs? Oh yes, spring flower and veggie catalogs start coming out now, and then another round in spring. But why now? The coupons, and codes... and clearance seeds from this year are there!!! Talk about deals... you can sweep up those dream daisies for 70% off right now. Sometimes free shipping codes are included... no minimum! I had a $20 order last Christmas that got me 27 packets of seeds and bulbs. I got the free shipping on the whole bunch too. These are seeds and bulbs packaged for this year too. They aren't bad, if stored properly these seeds can sit on your shelf for another year or two. The germination rate may go down slightly, like instead of 100% germ you may only get 85%. Its still a great deal... if you love to fill your garden with annuals... this is the BEST deal for you!
Last year I was just starting out, and as suggested in my blog title... I did start about 90% of my garden from seed!
**I came back to add this, these catalogs are FREE! Go visit certain websites, and just sign up. You don't have to order anything to receive these catalogs. Use sites such as,,, ect**
Another wonderful site to start collecting AND sharing seeds through is WinterSown.Org an organization commited to getting people to learn to grow seeds at home for their gardens, and they teach you how to start those seeds IN your home OVER the winter... so you don't have to wait until spring. Send them a SASE and they will send you SEVERAL packets of free seeds that were donated to them. You can also package to send seeds to them to donate over the winter. Its a great way to have fun with your garden when you can't be out in it.